1996 National Show Displays

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Combined display

"My Favorite Trio"

This noncompetitive group display shows favorite insulators from many collectors in groups of three.


Display by: Dave Hall, of Wilmington, CA

"California Glass Insulator Company"

{Long Beach, California 1912-1916}

This fantastic display shows the colors and styles made by the C.G.I. Co.   


Display by: Mike Guthrie, of Fresno, CA

"Early Patents & Other Old Stuff"

This display shows some of the very earliest insulators, many dating before the Civil War.  It included seven of the first insulators patented including an original US Patent model.  It received the following awards: 

  • National Insulator Association Award for General

  • NIA Milholland Educational Award

  • Capital District Insulator Club Award for best use of Eastern Insulators

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