Slag glass car ashtrays

HouzeX Glass Company

Pictures From the collection of Ginny and Wendell Draper II

This picture shows a nice swirled HouzeX ashtray - Note the hole for attachment of the suction cup!

HouzeX Ashtray

Here is a rare complete ashtray with suction cup and metal cap intact. (Photo Courtesy Bruce Clarke and Ron Jones)

HouzeX complete ashtray

Another complete ashtray with suction cup and metal cap intact with a clamping device. HouzeX complete ashtray
Here is a one with a well aged suction cup (the reason many have these removed) HouzeX with original suction cup
Group to show great variety! Green & Blue slag glass
Another group! Red & orange slag glass


Westite & Akro Agate Glass Company.  Link to History of Akro Agate

Picture Courtesy Bruce Clarke and Ron Jones

Westite 8 sided on Left &

Akro Agate 10 sided on Right

Westite & Akro Agate ashtrays



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Last updated September 10, 2000
