Specification forming part of Letters Patent No. 4,807, dated October 3, 1846.

To all whom it may concern:

Be it known that I, RENE L'ANGLAIS, of Paincourtville, Assumption county, State of Louisiana, have invented a new and useful Electrical Conductor, which is described as follows, reference being had to the annexed drawings of the same, making part of this specification:

Figure 1 is an elevation of the conductor.  Fig. 2 is a plan of one of the glass isolators.  Fig. 3 is a vertical section of ditto.

A represents the frame for supporting the conductor and isolators.  This frame is made of metal in the form represented in Fig. 1 or of any suitable and convenient form, and is secured to the top of the roof by screws, bolts, or other fastenings.

B are the cylindrical glass isolators placed in the frame for sustaining the conductor in its proper position.  Each isolator is made with a cylindrical opening in the center of greater diameter than the conductor, which passes through said opening without touching any part of the isolator.  A recess, B2, is formed in the upper end of the isolator to receive a pin or arm, D, of a non-conducting material, that passes through the rod or conductor at right angles thereto, and which sustains the upper sections of the conductor in a vertical position and prevents the conductor from touching the isolator.  The lower end of the isolator is reduced in diameter to form shoulders B3, to rest upon the horizontal bars A2 of the frame.


C represents the conductor.  This conductor is made of several kinds of metals. The upper part, c', is made of platina, to resist the shock of the electric fluid when struck on the point.  C2 is composed of copper, to lessen the shock on the iron rod.

C3 is the iron rod or conductor for conducting the fluid to the chain leading to the earth.

C4 is the chain or conductor.

The sections c’ c2 c3 are united by dowel-pins P, let into corresponding holes bored in the ends of the sections represented by dotted lines.

D are the arms that pass at right angles through the conductor, and which rest in the recesses of the isolators aforesaid, for supporting the rod or conductor in the centers of the openings in the isolators.

B4 is an isolator for sustaining the lower section of the conductor and preventing it from touching the roof.

What I claim as my invention, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is--

The manner of constructing the glass isolators with shoulders and cylindrical recesses, in the manner and for the purpose above described, in combination with the frame and rod constructed as above set forth.



