Donations to the NIA  

The NIA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization so gifts may be tax deductible. Our mission is to support and perpetuate the insulator collecting hobby. Gifts and donations will help the Association improve our benefits and services. Your donation, sponsorship, and/or consignments, helps the NIA continue its mission to encourage growth and public awareness of the insulator hobby through collecting, dealing, and educational endeavors. At the end of the fiscal year (Dec. 31), all donations of $10.00 or more, will receive a “Thank You” letter from the NIA President which can used for potential tax deductions. If you donate an item such as an insulator to the NIA, you need to declare the value to use as a deduction.

Click for a printable donation form  NIA Donors & Sponsors 

General donations help support NIA activities to support the insulator collecting hobby with education, research, maintaining color printing of Drip Points magazine and supporting insulator shows including the yearly national show. It’s the donations from our members that fund the scholarship program, educational outreach programs, the digital scanning of the archival materials, recording of oral histories, color printing of Drip Points, and other worthy projects that benefit the membership and the hobby.

For cash donations there are the following levels. Donors will be listed by name on the NIA website and those of $50 or more will be published in Drip Points (you can select anonymous if you wish).

Donation level Level
up to $49 Aqua
$50-$99 Green
$100-$249 Emerald
$250-$499 Carnival
$500-$999 Amber
$1000-$2499 Peacock
$2500-$4999 Purple
$5000-$9,999 Cobalt
$10,000+ Hobby Benefactor


Insulator donation or consignment: Another option of contributing is to donate or consign an insulator or go-with. Insulators valued at $100+ will be placed in a Bill and Jill Insulators On-line Auction and you can designate from 15% to 100% of the net proceeds to be donated to the NIA. If not a 100% donation, you will receive a check for the portion of the item not donated. Anything valued below $100 would be a 100% donation to the NIA and will be sold at an NIA table or another venue


National or Corporate Donor Option: A company or an individual can advertise and support on a different scale, as a potential business expense. You would receive exposure in our Hobby magazine, the NIA website and various options at the NIA National Convention.


Targeted donations: You have the option to select how your donation will be targeted


If you would like to donate please mail the donation form and a check or money order made out to the National Insulator Assn. to:

To donate mail the donation form and a check or money order made out to the National Insulator Assn. to:


NIA Treasurer (Bill Rohde)

P.O. Box 28

Colusa, CA 95932


Donation Form 

Or donate securely using Paypal! 



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